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Restoring Dignity & Control After An Injury 

Lawyers For Victims Of Distracted Driving Accidents Serving Chicago and Surrounding Suburbs

Despite the fact that texting while driving is known to be as dangerous and at times more dangerous than drunk driving, people throughout Illinois continue to text and engage in other distracting behaviors behind the wheel.

If you have been injured by a distracted driver, you deserve the maximum available compensation for your injuries. With more than 45 years of combined legal experience, the attorneys at The Law Offices of Millon & Peskin are prepared to help you hold the negligent party accountable and get you the compensation you need and deserve after a car accident.

For a free and confidential consultation with a skilled and dedicated lawyer, contact us today. We have offices in Wheaton, Arlington Heights, Rosemont and Chicago.

The Facts

Distracted driving accidents have been on the rise in recent years, despite increased education and law enforcement efforts. In fact, Illinois law bans the use of all handheld devices while driving.

Still, you probably don’t have to look far to see a driver committing a violation. The signs of texting while driving are often similar to those of a person who is drunk behind the wheel.

The reality is that each year distracted driving results in thousands of deaths across the country, and each year hundreds of thousands of people are injured because of the negligence of distracted drivers.

Compensation For Medical Bills And Other Costs

Although insurance companies are aware of the dangers of distracted driving, these companies are in business to make money, and the rights and needs of victims are often overlooked in the interest of protecting the insurance company’s bottom line.

At The Law Offices of Millon & Peskin, we can take on the insurance company and the distracted driver while you focus on what matters most — your health and well-being. We have extensive experience in handling personal injury claims, and if the insurance company fails to provide the full and fair compensation you deserve, we will not hesitate to fight for your rights in court.

Contact Us For A Free Consultation

For a free and confidential consultation with an attorney at The Law Offices of Millon & Peskin, call us locally at 630-449-3884 or contact us online. Our offices are conveniently located in Wheaton, Arlington Heights, Chicago and Rosemont.