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Restoring Dignity & Control After An Injury 

Chicago Area Vocational Rehabilitation Lawyers

It is bad enough that your work injury has left you unable to do the job that you do well. It is worse when the employer and its insurer do not provide you with the vocational rehabilitation benefits that are designed to help you move on from this situation.

In situations where an injury permanently prevents you from resuming your usual and customary employment, employers and their insurance companies are required by law to provide you with training and compensation designed to transition you into a new line of work. Yet insurance companies often do not help injured workers who are going through this “vocational rehabilitation.” Even though they are required to do so, insurance companies might decide to save money by not helping you in your job search or by not paying you your lost time benefit while you are looking for employment. Our Wheaton vocational rehabilitation attorneys serving the entire Chicago metro area can protect your rights if you are experiencing these problems.

To arrange a free consultation with a skilled workers’ compensation attorney, contact The Law Offices of Millon & Peskin today.

Disability And Permanent Work Restrictions

The workers’ compensation lawyers at The Law Offices of Millon & Peskin can do something for you that the insurance companies fail to do: help you. We will work with you to take your case to a hearing with a judge. During this hearing, we will provide the judge with evidence in support of your claim, including testimony, medical records and a vocational expert witness.

The lawyers of The Law Offices of Millon & Peskin have more than 45 years of combined experience fighting for the rights and benefits of injured workers throughout Chicagoland. This experience means we already know the tricks of the trade used by the insurance companies and employers to deny you your rights, such as saying your injury was not arising out of or in the course of employment, that your injury was not causally related to your accident or any number of other excuses. We will fight for you to get you the vocational rehabilitation benefits that are lawfully yours as well as payment for the time off.

Wage Loss Benefits Attorneys

You can schedule a free initial consultation with our firm’s vocational rehabilitation attorneys in Wheaton, Arlington Heights, Chicago or Rosemont, Illinois. Call one of our four conveniently located Chicagoland-area offices: 630-449-3884. You can also contact our firm online to schedule an entirely free and completely discreet meeting with a lawyer from our firm.