Some workplaces are inherently noisy, which means that employers and employees need to think about ear protection -- or risk losing their hearing. Hearing can also be damaged in certain types of workplace accidents. Outlined below are some of the more common ways...
Industrial Workers’ Accidents
Navigating the Complexities of Loaning and Borrowing Employers in Illinois Workers’ Compensation
In the realm of Illinois Workers' Compensation, the concept of loaning and borrowing employers is a crucial one that carries significant implications for both employers and employees. This blog post aims to shed light on this complex subject, providing a comprehensive...
Welders need to watch out for 5 critical hazards
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there were 41 welders killed at work during 2018 and another 370 suffered injuries requiring time off. To give some context, 80 electricians and 259 construction laborers died in workplace accidents during the same...
Was building collapse a work-related injury waiting to happen?
Illinois readers may have heard about a collapse at an out-of-state industrial building has left investigators for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration with conflicting witness reports. At present, no one is sure whether the collapse sounded like an...
How Supreme Court case could affect industrial workers
Safety gear is a necessity, not a luxury for many industrial workers. When individuals are tasked with working in dangerous areas, amongst toxic chemicals, near fire, while carrying heavy objects and under other hazardous circumstances, being outfitted with the right...
Robotic prosthetics give injured worker new hope
It is important to understand that those workers who are unfortunate enough to be involved in industrial accidents often suffer more than just back sprains, muscle pulls or neck strains. This is not to say that these types of work injuries aren't incredibly...
OSHA issues 26 violations for Chicagoland paint factory explosion
Last spring, our blog discussed how a terrifying industrial accident at a paint factory in the northwest suburbs of Chicago left both state and federal investigators with a multitude of unanswered questions. To recap, emergency responders were summoned to Fox Valley...
Study highlights how fatigue can jeopardize worker safety
Even though we tend to think of most jobs as being largely stationary, meaning workers essentially stay in the same place, this is far from the case. Every day, thousands of people across Illinois operate trucks and other heavy machinery that takes them from point A...
CDC, OSHA urging workers to remember dangers of heat stroke
With warmer temperatures finally returning to the long range forecast here in Chicago and summer right around the corner, workers can once again look forward to eating their lunches outside and talking walks over their breaks. However, federal officials and work...
Chicago Heights family mourns loss of father in industrial accident
Investigators with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration are currently searching for clues following a fatal accident at a metals plant in a southern suburb earlier this month, the second fatality at that particular location in just 25 months. Reports...