The unfortunate reality is that the number of fatal workplace injuries here in the U.S. remains unacceptably high despite advancements in work safety technology, greater enforcement efforts by state and federal agencies, and a greater awareness on the part of...
Month: August 2013
Illinois State University sees major drop in workplace injuries
Right now, college students throughout Illinois are busy preparing for the start of the fall semester. However, these college students aren't the only busy ones, as staff at these colleges and universities are busy preparing their campuses for the sudden influx of...
Will concerns over injuries stop charity work by police officers
Whether it's helping stock a local food shelf or running a marathon to raise cancer awareness, there is perhaps no better way to boost morale and encourage bonding among employees than through charitable events. Interestingly enough, however, the mayor of one Chicago...
The toll of slips, trips and falls on the U.S. workforce
The unfortunate reality is that most people think that work injuries simply couldn't happen to them. They think that they are reserved solely for those men and women who make their living in inherently dangerous occupations, perhaps using heavy machinery or being...