Illinois employees of manufacturers typically rely on their employers to provide safe work environments that are free of known hazards. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration expects employers to ensure that all machines are fitted with safeguards to...
Month: January 2018
Workers’ compensation pays benefits regardless of who is at fault
Workers across all industries in Illinois are entitled to claim insurance benefits to help them cope with the financial consequences of a work-related injury. Workers' compensation is a no-fault system that does not typically focus on who was to blame for an injury....
Company time and car accidents
For many people, driving is part of their job, in some form or another. Whether a worker experiences a car accident in a company vehicle or in their own vehicle or some other vehicle, the employer often bears liability for the accident, as long as the victim meets the...
Don’t let insurance companies lowball your workers’ compensation
Injuries from a work-related accident can cause far more than just physical pain. Many Illinois victims lose out on necessary wages, suffer ongoing mental anguish or are forced to switch careers after a severe injury. Workers' compensation benefits are intended to...
Construction accidents a fatality risk for some workers
No one imagines sending a loved one off to work and them never coming home, but for one out-of-state family, this was a sad reality. Fatal construction accidents are often the result of lapses in safety that put Illinois workers, not employers, at the most risk. Death...
Suffering shoulder pain from a work injury? We can help
Physical labor can take a serious toll on the body. Whether an Illinois worker is employed on a construction site or in an office, virtually any level of physical activity can lead to a work injury. Shoulder injuries in particular are exceedingly common and, for many,...