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Who is at high risk of carpal tunnel syndrome?

On Behalf of | Jun 25, 2024 | Workplace Injuries |

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common hand condition that occurs in the carpal tunnel of the wrist due to pressure on the median nerve. Its primary symptoms include pain, tingling or numbness in the fingers or hand and weakness in the hand.

Anyone whose work involves prolonged use of fingers and hands is at high risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome. Examples of commonly affected occupations include:

1. Assembly line workers

The duties of an assembly line worker include assembling products, operating and cleaning machines, packaging and so on. These duties involve repetitive movements of specific areas of their hands. Consequently, an assembly worker may develop carpal tunnel syndrome over time, especially when working on huge workloads and due to poor training.

2. Truck drivers

Truck drivers repetitively move their hands or keep them in the same position for a long time. If a driver is not trained in wrist stretching exercises or fails to take regular breaks, perhaps they have a demanding work schedule, they are likely to develop carpal tunnel syndrome.

3. Office workers

Due to the hours spent typing on a computer and repeatedly using a mouse, an office worker can develop carpal tunnel syndrome. It’s crucial for office workers to take breaks to relax and use ergonomic equipment.

4. Hairdressers

The nature of the work of hairdressers puts them at risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome. A hairdresser/stylist should perform stretching exercises and take breaks between clients to reduce such risk.

 5. Construction workers

A construction worker can develop carpal tunnel syndrome from repetitive actions or handling vibrating tools like concrete breakers and power saws. 

These are a few examples of occupations that put workers at high risk of carpal tunnel syndrome. If you develop this condition, consider seeking legal help to receive just compensation.

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