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Restoring Dignity & Control After An Injury 

How do head injuries happen at construction sites? 

On Behalf of | Jun 15, 2023 | Construction Accidents |

Every industry has its share of occupational risks and hazards, and the construction industry is no exception. If you sustain an injury at a construction site, you may be eligible for financial restitution through a worker’s compensation claim. 

One of the most common, yet devastating, injuries you can sustain at a construction site is injuries to your head. Depending on the severity, these injuries can impact your life in a number of ways – like reduced mobility or even death. 

Here are some of the ways you may suffer head injuries at a construction site. 

1. If you fall from an elevated point 

Falls from heights are one of the leading causes of injuries on construction sites. When a worker, while falling off a roof, a bridge, a ladder or a scaffold, lands on a hard surface or a sharp object, they may sustain traumatic injuries to the brain. Some falls may even lead to death. This is especially true if the victim did not have the right headgear at the time of the fall. 

2. If you are struck by an object

A typical construction site is never short of falling, flying, swinging or rolling objects. If you are struck in the head by these objects, you may suffer traumatic injuries to your head. 

3. If you trip, slip and fall

Hazards like wet floors and loose cables that can cause a construction worker to lose their traction can potentially lead to serious injuries to the head if they land on hard surfaces or sharp objects. 

Protecting your interests

Head injuries can turn your life upside down. If you sustain these injuries at work, you deserve justice. Learning more about Illinois workers’ compensation laws can help you protect your rights and interests while pursuing the benefits you deserve.

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