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What types of injuries do teachers face at work?

On Behalf of | Mar 6, 2023 | Workers' Compensation |

Being a teacher is not typically among the occupations that come to mind when thinking about dangerous jobs. Nonetheless, many teachers experience work-related injuries at some point in their careers. The pressures of the job can frequently result in bodily and/or mental illness and injury.

Luckily, Illinois’s worker’s compensation regulations provide relief for teachers who suffer workplace injuries. The following are some of the common types of injuries or illnesses teachers may experience.

Fractures and sprains

In a school, there are many hazards that could cause a teacher to slip and fall, such as:

  • Slippery surfaces brought on by either poor weather or spills that haven’t been cleaned up
  • Uneven or damaged carpeting
  • Items that children have dropped on the classroom floor 

These factors can all easily lead to an accident, which frequently results in injuries like sprains, fractures, and broken bones.

Injuries that are subject-specific

Some subjects are inherently more dangerous than others

  • Gym teachers may suffer strains due to high levels of activity
  • Chemistry teachers can suffer burns from working with hazardous materials
  • Teachers of IT may be more prone to repetitive strain injury through contact typing  

Stress and anxiety disorders

There’s no denying that being a teacher is a difficult and stressful job that often requires long hours. This can lead to depression and anxiety. In some cases, this leaves a teacher finding themselves unable to work as a result of needing to seek treatment.

Finding yourself with an injury from work may impact your life significantly, both physically and financially. Claiming worker’s compensation can help you get the awards in damages you need and deserve while you recuperate.


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