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How to choose a doctor after a work injury

On Behalf of | Jan 23, 2023 | Workers' Compensation |

When you are injured at work, you need to get medical treatment. In Illinois, employers should have a list of physicians approved by the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission, from which they will select one for you. If you are not satisfied with their choice, you can pick another doctor from the list.

Finding the right doctor can be challenging. For this reason, here are four tips to help you.

Choose a specialist

The list your employer will provide you with will have physicians who are specialized in different conditions. Learn more about each doctor and choose one who is experienced with your condition.

Consider location

The location of your doctor is vital. You don’t want to drive across town for hours for appointments unless they are highly experienced in your condition, in which case you should consider asking for reimbursement for your travel expenses.

Be honest with your doctor

Once you get a reliable doctor, you should be honest with them. Explain how you got injured, your symptoms, past or pre-existing conditions, the severity of the injuries and symptoms and the limitations you encounter due to the injuries, among others. Although you should be careful about what you say, lying, exaggerating or withholding information may harm your claim.

Further, you should be polite even if the physician may be looking for inconsistencies in your case. Take a deep breath and answer questions respectfully.

Change the physician if need be

If a physician gives you inadequate care, you can change them. Upon reporting, the commission will allow you to select another doctor who is qualified in your condition.

The choice of doctor is an integral part of a workers’ compensation claim. It will be best to make informed decisions to get your choice approved.    

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