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Work-related accident sends 3 Illinois workers to burn center

On Behalf of | Aug 26, 2019 | Work-Related Injuries |

It took fire crews only three minutes to respond to the scene of a flash explosion in Chicago on a Wednesday morning earlier this month. However, battling the blaze kept them busy for several hours, during which time their first task was to rescue workers who were involved in this work-related accident. The explosion occurred at a tank cleaning company in East Chicago.

It is unsure at this time whether a boiler explosion caused the fire, as first suspected, or whether it occurred in the garage area. The containers holding the chemicals for cleaning tanks were in this area. The office complex had to be evacuated because the fire destroyed both the office building and the garage area.

Reportedly, paramedics rushed three employees to a hospital in Gary from which they were transferred to a burn unit at Loyola University Medical Care Center in Maywood. They suffered varying degrees of burn to their legs and arms. One of the firefighters was also hospitalized for heat exhaustion treatment. Authorities say none of the injuries were life-threatening.

Burn injuries could require extensive medical treatment, especially when skin grafts are necessary. This could cause a significant period of disability, along with high medical costs. Fortunately, any victim of a work-related accident in Chicago will likely be eligible for financial assistance through the Illinois workers’ compensation insurance program. An attorney with experience in this field can assist with the benefits claims process. Compensation typically covers a percentage of lost wages for the period of temporary disability, and all of the injured worker’s medical expenses will be paid.

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