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Motor vehicle accidents high risk in Illinois during holidays

On Behalf of | Dec 26, 2018 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

As in most other states, Illinois roads are often busier and traffic-laden during the holidays. As Christmas winds down, many people are headed back to department stores to exchange or return gifts. The party season typically continues through the new year, however, so a lot of travelers are those who are visiting family or meeting up with friends or co-workers to celebrate. All these issues and then some make the risk of motor vehicle accidents quite high.

Another problematic (and unfortunate) issue during the holidays is that many drivers get behind their wheels after consuming copious amounts of alcohol. It is no secret that drunk driving causes thousands of fatalities every year in this state and others. You’re not only at risk as an operator of a motor vehicle but also if you travel as a passenger or pedestrian, as well.

Not every driver who causes a collision is drunk at the time. Many crashes occur because of distracted driving. Most distractions involve issues such as using hand-held electronic devices at the wheel, looking somewhere other than the road ahead or even daydreaming. If a distracted driver hits you and you suffer injury, you should not have to carry the full financial burden associated with the incident, such as medical bills or lost wages from time off work in recovery.

When Illinois motor vehicle accidents result in injuries, those deemed liable may be held legally accountable for their negligence. This is most often done when recovering victims  or family members of fatally injured victims file personal injury or wrongful death claims in civil court. The Law Offices of Millon & Peskin, Ltd provide guidance and support to clients in need of assistance in the injury claims process.

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