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Fatal workplace accidents: Laundry worker crushed to death

On Behalf of | May 15, 2018 | Uncategorized |

For any Illinois family, the unanticipated loss of a loved one is a shock. Learning that a spouse and parent will not return home as usual after work is understandably devastating. Fatal workplace accidents occur in all industries, often as the result of unsafe work environments.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has launched an investigation into an employee’s death at an Illinois laundry business. A police report indicates that this industrial accident occurred on a recent Tuesday evening. The worker was a 42-year-old man from Chicago who reportedly became trapped between a dryer and a conveyor belt in the laundry.

Although still unconfirmed, initial reports from investigators suspect the worker became trapped when he attempted to remove something that was hanging between the conveyor and the dryer. He was discovered by a co-worker who went to check why some of the equipment was not working. Compliance inspectors of OSHA will work to determine whether safety violations such as a lack of safeguarding might have caused this tragedy.

Regardless of the outcome of such OSHA inquiries, the surviving family members of deceased workers who died in fatal workplace accidents can proceed with the filing of death benefits claims. This is done through the Illinois workers’ compensation insurance program. An experienced attorney can help with the complicated steps required for the pursuit of compensation to cover end-of-life expenses and a financial package to make up for lost wages. This will continue for a predetermined period, and it will be based on the latest wage level of the deceased worker.

Source: Chicago Sun-Times, “OSHA investigating death of Chicago man at Niles laundry business“, May 10, 2018

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