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Restoring Dignity & Control After An Injury 

Safety culture can prevent work-related accident

On Behalf of | Feb 27, 2018 | Work-Related Injuries |

Illinois workers in all industries might be concerned about their safety when they learn about the recorded number of occupational injuries and deaths. According to the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health, more than 6,000 on-the-job accidents occurred nationwide in 2017, and the annual death toll apparently exceeds one million. However, every single work-related accident can likely be avoided by taking only a few safety precautions.

Although employers are responsible for the safety and health of employees, creating a culture in which each worker is alert and always on the lookout for potential hazards may be wise. If every risk is eliminated as it arises, accidents can be prevented. However, the importance of training must not be disregarded. No worker should operate a piece of equipment or machinery without first receiving the necessary training.

The same applies for specialized jobs such as electrical work — only qualified electricians should be allowed to do it. When unqualified workers are tasked with specialty jobs, the safety of other employees will also be threatened. Although safety should always be a priority in any workplace, it might be wise to set aside one week during which additional focus can be placed on safety, with training sessions to refresh safety awareness in the company.

Workplaces in which employee safety is prioritized are less likely to report a work-related accident. However, any Illinois worker who suffers a workplace injury may be entitled to pursue financial relief through the workers’ compensation insurance program of the state. Experienced legal counsel is available to assist with the navigation of benefits claims to cover medical expenses and lost wages.

Source:, “Top 5 Tips To Avoid Accident In Workplace To Make It Safe“, Adam Wilson, Feb. 22, 2018

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