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Drowning death appears to have been a work-related accident

On Behalf of | May 8, 2017 | Workers' Compensation |

Sometimes, the life of a worker in Illinois or another state is lost when nobody is nearby to either help the victim or provide information about the circumstances that caused the death. In some cases, it is not even clear whether a work-related accident caused the fatality. Although investigators will work to find the answers, the situation may cause additional traumatic for loved ones looking for explanations about what happened.

According to an official report, a 75-year-old worker who was on the night shift on a recent Friday evening did not return from a 5 a.m. break the next morning. This occurred at a power plant in a neighboring state. While searching for him, co-workers found personal belongings of the missing man, which led to a search by volunteer rescuers that started at about 7 a.m.

Suspecting that he had fallen off the dam wall into the river, the search was concentrated on the river area around the boat club. The rescue attempt was unsuccessful, and a private diving team discovered and retrieved the man’s body from the dam sometime on Sunday morning. They found him on the Illinois side of the river in the northern part of the dam.

Many questions remain unanswered, and some might be cleared up after investigations are completed. As with any work-related accident, the surviving family members may file a claim for survivors’ benefits that typically include compensation for end-of-life expenses and a percentage of lost wages. In Illinois, loved ones often find the support and guidance of an experienced workers’ compensation attorney helpful during such a difficult time.

Source:, “Body of missing Ameren worker found, identified Sunday morning”, April 22, 2017

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