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Work-related accident: Explosion at truck factory injures 6

On Behalf of | Jan 18, 2017 | Work-Related Injuries |

Explosions at factories in Illinois or anywhere else can be devastating. It is the type of work-related accident that can cause injuries or death to many workers in the blink of an eye. When an explosion at a truck factory in another state recently occurred, the consequences could have been much worse had most of the 1,000 employees not been off-site for training purposes. Only six workers were injured, and there were no reports of fatalities.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration arrived at the facility to investigate the cause of the blast. Reports by authorities indicate that a strong explosion rocked the factory — which is part of Oshkosh Corp — on a recent Wednesday morning. They say six employees suffered injuries, five of which remain hospitalized or under medical care.

Reportedly, two workers suffered injuries severe enough to justify helicopter transfers to a hospital. Two other were transported to a local hospital by ambulance, while two more received treatment at the scene of the explosion. No information about the current conditions of any of the victims in known.

Injuries caused by a work-related accident such as a violent explosion can cause long-term health problems and ongoing medical treatment, accompanied by mountains of medical bills and no income. This may be enough to ruin the finances of any family. As with injured workers in Illinois, the victims of this blast can pursue monetary assistance through the workers’ compensation insurance program for their state. It may be helpful to utilize the services of an experienced workers’ compensation attorney to navigate the administrative and legal procedures of benefits claims while the victims focus on recuperating.

Source:, “The Latest: Minnesota OSHA will investigate plant explosion“, Jan. 11, 2017

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