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Restoring Dignity & Control After An Injury 

Compensation for Construction Accidents

On Behalf of | Oct 13, 2010 | Uncategorized |

Most of us know what to do following an accident at work. Many workplaces have clear directives concerning how to report an injury and access workers’ compensation. These are often posted on break room walls. This is not always true for those working in the construction industry. Workers may even be discouraged from filing for workers’ compensation when the worker is seen to be at fault.

Whenever you are hurt on the job, regardless of who is at fault, report it immediately and seek medical attention. Even though you may not feel pain at the time of the accident you may have sustained an injury. Muscular injuries can take time to produce pain. If you notice discomfort in the days following a work accident seek medical attention.

There are many situations in construction accidents that warrant solid legal advice. Contrary to what some believe, a worker may still be able to receive workers’ compensation even if he or she is at fault in an accident. Workers’ compensation is specific to each state. A legal representative for your state can assist you with navigating the laws. What if you are in an accident which was no one’s fault? You may still be able to receive compensation.

Construction is truly a hazardous line of work. You may be injured due to the negligence of another. An Illinois road worker recently lost his life due to the negligence of a truck driver. The driver did not obey street signs related to the construction site and the worker was subsequently crushed by the truck. What of this worker’s family? It stands to reason that the family is faced with handling this on their own. They have lost a loved one and a significant source of income permanently. An Illinois personal injury lawyer could provide them invaluable assistance in this wrongful death.

Equipment which is not maintained properly can also create hazardous working conditions. Machinery should receive routine maintenance to insure that it is safe for use on site. Whether an injury is caused through your fault, the negligence of another, or faulty equipment you need to be aware of your rights for workers’ compensation or personal injury. Workers are often wary of the cost associated with attaining legal assistance. Fortunately many lawyers offer free consultation for construction related injuries and do not receive payment for services unless the case is successful and money is recovered for the client.

About the Author: Brooke Haley marketing associate at Millon & Peskin, Chicago workers compensation lawyer that practice in the areas of Civil Litigation, Workers’ Compensation, and Personal Injury. Millon & Peskin is a General Civil Litigation Practice with the goal of representing the interests of injured workers, throughout all applicable Courts within the State of Illinois. For more information, please visit

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